Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Blog for a New Year!

Welcome to our blog! I decided to start a new blog after blogger went a bit wacky on me for about six months and would not let me post on As I was thinking through the new blog, I knew that I wanted to continue to record funny things the girls were saying and doing and also big and little happenings in our family. I then realized that I also wanted our blog to share how God is working in our lives so that we become a true reflection of His love and glory.

The year 2011 was a hard one for our family. Very hard. Like I often wanted to pack a bag and escape to, well, anywhere else. I had a sneaking suspicion that things might get a little wacky when my women's Bible study group was told that we would be doing a study on suffering for the fall semester. We were told back in the spring and I clearly remember thinking, "Really? Do we really want to open that door?". But open it we did and we dug into a book called When God Weeps. Not only did I read the book, but it seems that God lovingly deemed it necessary for me to actually walk through every single page of the book. I flip flopped between thanking God for leading me to such a powerful book and wanted to chuck the book at the wall. It was hard, but the truths I learned will continue to guide me until the day I meet Jesus face to face.

We then went on to experience one of the most challenging and devastating years of our lives. Now let me explain why we wanted to "re-do" our blog. One thing we learned throughout the past year is that God is glorified when others see us honoring Him in the midst of trials. We chose the title of the blog based on 2 Corinthians 4:7, which is a passage we recenly studied as part of a sermon series at our church. If 2011 taught us nothing else, it is that we are truly fragile clay jars. And God is the treasure within us. Every time we are nicked or dinged, it is an opportunity for His power to shine through. And that is what we want to do as a family . . . let His power and glory shine through us so that others will see His goodness.

Now most of the blog posts on this blog will be fun things the girls are doing and saying. But I want to be faithful to share how God is working in our family. Thanks for reading!